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Kiwanis Club of Edinburg Named Edinburg Chamber Member of the Month

The Edinburg Chamber of Commerce has named the Kiwanis Club of Edinburg as its May 2022 Member of the Month. 
Kiwanis Club of Edinburg is made up of local business leaders dedicating their time to supporting and giving back to their community. Kiwanis volunteers believe in making the world a better place one child and one community at a time.
The Kiwanis Club of Edinburg is currently hosting a scholarship fundraiser. Those interested in supporting the local organization can donate $10 and will receive a choice of a Mexican food plate of Carne Guisada or Asado de Puerco with rice, beans, and tortillas. The plate can be picked up between May 09, 2022, to May 23, 2022, at the Los Comales Restaurant, 1102 N Closner Blvd Unit B.
If interested in tickets, please contact Imelda Rodriguez at 956-383-4974 or Sonia Enriquez at 956-250-9589, or any Kiwanis member. 
The Edinburg Chamber would like to congratulate Kiwanis Club of Edinburg on its achievements. For more information on the Edinburg Chamber please visit