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Community Survey COVID – 19

March 25, 2020
Dear Chamber Members,
We hope this letter finds you well, and in good health.
Our Chamber Board of Directors and staff are here to help you grow your business, network among other member businesses, and help you decipher the temporary regulations put in place to keep us all safe. Growing business seems like a far-off thought right now. As a result, many of our small businesses are in a holding pattern. Our pledge to you and your business is this:
We will do everything we can to help you during this tough time. As we emerge from this season of uncertainty, we are committed to help you rebuild and grow your business.
In the past week, we put together campaigns to help support small businesses, made referrals for companies that are still open, and created social media posts to advertise for our members. We strive to also communicate accurate and dependable information while collaborating with our city, state and federal officials to help both small business owners and their employees as they maneuver through these tough times.
I have attached a link for a survey we created. I hope you will take a few minutes to respond if you haven’t already. The information collected will assist the Chamber with our collaboration efforts, and identify ways we can best support the business community during the COVID-19 pandemic.
As we navigate during this difficult time, we are more committed than ever to making Edinburg a vibrant and thriving place to live. Some of our hopes and dreams are on hold, but they have not disappeared. Your partnership with the Chamber helps to build a healthier, more prosperous tomorrow.
 If you have any questions or concerns, please call the Chamber at 956-383-4974. Thank you, and we wish you the best.
Noe Ronnie Larralde
Executive Director
Example Listing
Chick-fil-A – 1360 W University Dr Edinburg, Texas 78539, (956)-287-0850, Website
In an effort to serve our community in the safest environment possible, our DINING ROOM will be CLOSED and we will NOT be accepting orders for CARRYOUT. We will only be accepting orders through our DRIVE THRU and through our Chick-fil-A One App CURBSIDE ordering service. These changes will come into effect as of Monday, March 16, 2020.

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